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Friday, June 17, 2011

Chipper as can be

I'm writing this and listening to Enigma as it always creates a nice mood. It was a beautiful day today. I got up early (4:05 am) as I couldnt sleep...imagine that. I think too much haha. So I cleaned my house then got ready for an early am workout followed by another one late this aftetnoon. I trained back early this morning and then did hamstrings and a quick chest workout in the evening. It was a little bit of a brutal day. In the end I made it and stuck with it regaurdless of how crappy I felt. 

Today and tomorrow Carnival Cruise Lines is hiring for a entertaiment host in Seattle and San Francisco and I would have been one of the many canidates. Remember me talking to you about a job. hint hint. Well I applied for the position as I enjoy entertaining people and theres nothing like putting a smile on someones face. When I cruise now a days I find myself saying hi to everyone and then wanting to help people by helping them get around the ship, explaining all the activities and selling them on cruising as I meet a lot of first timers. From the first moment I graced a cruise ship it was love at first site. Before this year is over I still have a couple of cruises to venture in Oct, Nov, and Dec. Yeah I know thats a lot for the average person lol. I'm far from being the average person and try my best not to be as I find it to be boring.. LOL. Cruising has changed me as a person like bodybuilding has done. Going back to the job, I have a lot of experience in this type of industry and felt like a strong canidate for the position due to my personality, professionalism, and lets not forget my fun side. After a lot of hard work with the company and time I dreamed of a shot as a cruise director assistant then a CD. Thats a dream come true and its not easy to attain. During the day of interviewing its a all day thing followed by the one on one interview. If you are successful then you would be headed to thier University on one of the cruise ships. Its a long hiring process. This type of job is not for everyone as you are gone months at a time. Now I have done a lot of thinking with this over the last two months. I dont have the heart for to leave the animals. Its good money and all but when you love something so much those things dont mean anything. I love them all so much as they are the sweetest little creatures. It was hard to pass this as its a great opportjnity but in the end I know I made the right decision.

I'm very excited as very soon I'm going to see U2 in concert. My ticket is general admission which means I will be in the pit near the stage (standing). I have always wanted to try the GA just havent had the patience for it and now I do. Im going to take my sister with me and she is not a U2 fan but I will convert her. I think she will have fun as all U2 concerts are great set ups.

Training is good as I temporarly packed on a few pounds so I could lift a little heavier but now ifs time to step back on the plate. I have deprived myself for so long I needed a short break. Im excited about my new nutrition and training regimen. Its all about progress progress progress. For the next 3 weeks we have Pro shows back to back in Toronto, Tampa and Hartford and thats it for the female bb shows to qualify for the Olympia. I am still bummed about FIBO but it is what it is. I would have looked AWESOME and really would have made a BIG impact. oh well....One of the nice things about being a national level competitor you dont have to worry about your show being canceled lol. Everything is always a go. It still is disappointing but this is part of it. I noticed since I have been posting pictures my blog count has shot up with an increase amount of readers. So I want to take a moment and say thank you. ;)

The other day I signed up with the Red Cross of Terre Haute which covers 8 counties. I also signed up to be a part of the disater team locally and nationally (like huricane katrina). I'm excited about it as I it really changes a person. I wss inspired by my friend Mike who I met on a cruise. Mike and his wife have been with the Red Cross for years and I have always wanted to be a pat of it. Thanks Mike! I know I will be at one of the local events National Night Out making sure people are hydrated. Its usually a very hot day the day its held. Its endless all the things the Red Cross does.

If your local and have a  truck or small suv for sale shoot me a line as I am looking for one.  Im getting rid of my car soon and the car im going to get will not be driven in the winter so thats what the truck is for. At least I can proudly say if I get a older truck then I can work on it myself as I know how to change oil and belts etc. I just need to have the tools lol. I owe myself a nice birthday present and its gonna be sweet.

Now if only I could finally break the ice but it will never happen. oh yeah I had a yummy omelette yesterday omg ;)