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Monday, October 15, 2007

Nothing like Family

I wanted to share some great news! A while back I had mentioned my aunt and that she was sick. This bothered me very much at the time as what she had was HIV that turned into A.I.D.S. My grandmother went to NY and brought her back home around a year ago. When she arrived here in Orlando, she weighed 98lbs and her t-cell count was 05. At the time, she had lost hope, didnt take her medication, and just didnt care about herself anymore. Things changed as she realized she had people that cared very much for her and her well being. She started going to church and praying to God asking him to give her the strength to be strong through this tough challenge and to have faith that everything will be okay. Her regained her faith and confidence and started believing in herself. I recently found out that she is doing very well. She got back on her medication, her weight is currently 154 lbs and before it was 98 lbs, and her t-cell count is now 162 where a few months ago it was 85 and before that it was 5. I am so proud of her and I thank God for everything he has done.

Before I go I want to share some pictures of some people who are a very big part of my life. I never really talk about my family. Here are some pictures of me and sister Erica. She is 13, and we are so much alike in many way. I love her very much. Also in the pictures is my grandmother who means alot to me. I was not raised by my mother but by my grandmother. At the time my mom was not able to take care of me as she had some personal issues going on. I was lucky to have my grandmother take me under her wing. WE have had our disagreements here and there, but she has always been there for me through thick and thin. She is my best friend and I love her with all my heart. She is raising my sister Erica too.