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Friday, July 4, 2008

Moving Forward

I learned that if you want to make it bad enough, no matter how bad it is, you can make it.
-Gale Sayers

I'm still moving forward with USAs. Last year was very hard on me as I had CERTAIN things or a certain something in my life that really blinded me from my goal. I worked very hard last year putting a lot of time and money into my prep. I really want to appologize to my friends and most of all my devoted fans for last year. I promise to make it up to you in the next 3 weeks as I will bring a new and improved Isabelle. I really couldn't be any happier with where I am right now.

Last year I spent numerous hours in the gym, and spent lots of money for my USA prep. I have to admit this year was a totally diffrent experience for me. I didn't train as much. I train 4-5 days a week right now and only do 1 bodypart a day. My cardio sessions are way less than last year. I saved numerous amounts of money too. I have to thank my boyfriend David for that. I remember him telling me that this will be the cheapest show I do. He was right. I'm not complianing. It's amazing how much last year I spent on all these things that in all honesty I really didn't need. I wish I would have met him a long time ago.

I guess what I am trying to say is that this prep has been the best by far. It reminds me of my excalibur prep in 03 and my north american prep. The difference will be my package/presentation will be more improved. I'm excited. At Excalibur I needed to have tighter legs but still brought great conditioning and at North American i needed to be fuller as I was a little stringy. So keep in mind a shape like North American but a little bigger by a few pounds and of course more fuller. I also noticed that I have striations in my glutes which is a bonus for me.

Sure I have my eyes on a procard. Who does't at this show. But truly I will be happy when I compete in 3 weeks as that is my ultimate goal. I want to step on stage, have fun, mingle with old friends and make new ones.

After that I want to relax and spend time with David in Vegas. I don't know if I should be saying this or not but he has been talking about a engagement ring. Yes we are seriously involved as I did move here to be with him as he is a big part of my life. I am sure you alredy know that

Okay time to go and train
