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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Isabelle Turell 10 days out from the Ms. International

David wanted to take a candid picture, so I dropped my pants down literally to let him grab a shot. I will say that I am in the best shape of my life and I owe it all to my trainer and of course the loving support and encouragement of my finace David.

I know a lot of people don't think I can come in conditioned. I assure you I will be conditioned and then some. I am really excited as I am competing among the best in the world. I am so honored to be on the stage with them. The one person I am so excited to be in the group competing with is Ms. Olympia Iris Kyle. I have so much respect for her and I admire her a lot. She is passionate about the sport and puts a lot of heart into what she does.

9 days and counting

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

God Is Great!!


The greatest news I got was a phone call today from my dad. :) I haven't heard from him in years. I thank God for the blessing. My dads really cool. Now when we first got together I just started bodybuilding and never seen him. When we met up for the first time he walks out and BAM he is a short man with big muscles. LOL He was a bodybuilder and trained at Golds Gym. My dad served in the military for a long time too. I love my father very much. Whats cool is that bodybuilding is in my blood obviously lol. I was shocked to see that he was built like a bodybuilder. LOL Again I thank God for sending me this miracle. He also helped me with another miracle which I will tell you about later. Some of my close friends know. I will say that I do believe things happen for a reason. I am at my best condition EVER! I have held strong minded and kept the course. My heart and God won't let me otherwise.

I want to thank CJ from Unique Physique as she is a ANGEL. CJ Has always been very good to me and has always done AMAZING work on my suits. My bulldog destroyed my suit and I had a backup but wanted to give CJ a call. Anyways, I told her my story and of course CJ lets me have it lol. When I say that I mean she told me how it is without the sugar coating lol. Well Long story short CJ reminded me this is the Arnold and its the biggest show of my life. Cj took care of me. She put together a GORGEOUS night suit, and when I say gorgeous I mean Gorgeous. OMG its beautiful. She also sent it to me a few days later. She really took care of me. I am so Blessed as she didn't have to go out of her way for me and she did. CJ has always been very passionate and dedicated to the sport for a long time. I love this woman to death. Her suits are amazing please stop by her site

I HIGHLY recommend her. The fabrics are gorgeous and the cuts are perfect. I won't use anybody but CJ.

God Bless you guys and have a great Night

P.S. Sioux I hope you got the email :) I miss you my friend. talk to you soon

2 weeks from Friday to the Ms. International

Friday, February 6, 2009

4 weeks to go! I am the leanest I have ever been this far out for a show.

I am excited to compete among my sisters of iron who are the top professional bodybuilders in the world. I am so blessed and grateful to be a part this show.

I really want to thank David as he has been my backbone. He's pushed me and kept me focused. He trains me, makes my meals, helps me with everything. I couldn't do this without him. Dieting isn't easy well at least my diet isn't lol. I do get to enjoy soy sauce from time to time, peanut butter and Diet Dr Pepper which keeps me sane.