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Monday, June 6, 2011

Up and at them

Good Morning and HAPPY Monday !!!!!!!!!!
It was a great day on Saturday as once again the NPC Indianapolis was a huge success. Congrats to Arron Dixon on his big Mr. Indianapolis win. I had such a great time and got a few unexpected surprises that was nice in the mix and put a smile on my face. I'm thankful

At the evening show we got to meet a former Mr. Indianapolis's from the 50's, who came on stage and aggressively grabbed the mic(which was funny) and told us a thing or two about the great bodybuilders of Indiana. He was a pretty cool guy and I ran up to him and chatted with him for a bit as I am ALWAYS inspired by people like him as well as some other close people I know.  To know their story and how it was training back then is incredible. I'm old school and like the old school way instead of the new age way lol you know with all these machines for this and that. Give me a pair of dumbbells and a weight bench any day. Earlier in the day after prejudge I had my big cooler and went with the gang to Steak and Shake. There I was stuffing my face with homemade turkey patties wrapped in lettuce while everyone else was eating steak burgers and chicken salads. In the back of my mind all I could think about was grilled cheese sandwiches. I'm a sucker for grilled cheese heavy on 
the cheese (make a note of that :)) Oh well.....soon I can have a grilled cheese

Big Thanks to Tim Mobley and Betina who once again did a awesome job putting on a great show. So many competitors to judge and every one of them with the exception of a few who could have really come more prepared to the show like Steven Segals long lost brother Phil. *wink. Which I have to also say please don't wear those posing trunks again, as we don't want to see the cash and prizes as it was very noticeable.

Here something that again people will think is good for them. As you notice in the picture it shows the BabyRuth claim that 2 pieces equals 4 grams of protein. Do you know how many people would actually probably think that this is good for them and consume ..maybe 3-4 in one setting. What ever can we do about this misleading food labels
Now a funny or "cute" moment...

My Cat is secretly a ninja and even sleeps like one.

Now it's time for one of my favorite meals in the world....Sushi. A while back I went out for sushi and stoped by Sushi Uni off 3rd street. Nice atmosphere, good service, and very unique rolls. For now food porn

  Lastly, this is the lightest offseason I have ever had and I am happy with that. So how many weeks till the AHHHnold again :). I'm at a very good point right now where I'm doing things a little differently from what I normally do in a off season. Its a good thing that's for sure. I am healthy and fit and feel grrrrreat.

I was thinking about doing a quick getaway cruise after the Fort Wayne show out of Miami. But I really would like to continue to diet as I'm going to try and see if I can guest pose at the Indiana State which I would really love to do. Of course I already have a few cruises lined up later this year and I can wait till then as I always love seeing my friend. She is funny. Finally my airbrush tattoo is fading.

Time to be heading for my home..THE GYM. You want to take my place for me????