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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Time to say goodbye

I will be leaving back to Indiana here shortly. I had a good time and it was great seeing my family especially my grandmother and sister. My grandmother is a trip. I walked in to see her this morning and she had on this t-shirt that said "ask me about my grandog" LOL. She has a Jack Russel and Chihuahua which recently gave birth to a little puppy named Lucy. Then I find my grandmother watching college football. She knew everything about football. I didn't even really know she liked football ha ha. So then I find out she bets on the NFL games. She told me today she bet on the Saints last year. ha ha. I about fell out as who would think..not me obviously.

Well I will miss her. Bless her heart, she is a ball a fire and can barely walk around. My sister well before I left her she rubs her armpits on my nose.. Yuck..What a way to say goodbye