You know I always ramble about how I like to live life as an adventure and also I believe in doing spontaneous things. Okay here it is…….I’M GOING TO SEE JOSH GROBAN IN CONCERT THURSDAY. OMG I am so excited. The last “concert” I went to was puff daddy and little Kim years ago in Orlando I think the first time I heard of him was a year and a half ago when My ex fiancé bought me Josh Groban’s Awake cd after watching him perform on Jay Leno. What a gorgeous voice, and he is only 30. My friend Pavel is a Bono look a like and might I add a very talented musician. He will be coming to Indianapolis towards the middle of the month, as he has never been here. I'm curious to see how the Hoosier State will welcome him. :) Getting back to my point, here he is with the one and only Josh Groban on the red carpet.

I don’t know why, but Josh Groban popped up in my head yesterday. I enjoy his music very much. I was curious and went to his website browsing and noticed that he released his new album yesterday. How funny is that. It’s a sign. No, I didn’t go get the album , but I saw that he was going to be on tour. Curious me, I looked, and sure enough with my luck there was only 2 tours he was going to be having a concert in NYC this Thursday and then another in London. Both are SOLD OUT. I was disappointed BUT you know most people see that and then just give up. NOT ME *SMILE *. I saw it as a opportunity, and I have faith. There were a few tickets on stub hub and some costing anywhere from $600-1000 for front row. This is where I draw the line and browse affordably without burning holes in my pockets. What mattered to me is that I was there. I don’t care where I am sitting lol. Besides that’s why they have binoculars. I found a ticket dead center balcony. I love NYC, but it’s not for everyone. I have been to Manhattan a lot, as most of you know I have a BIG family in Brooklyn and Queens . The majority is in Brooklyn, and almost every day it’s a party at their house or its bingo night. For me I like to enjoy the sites and history. Not to mention the people watching and NY’s fabulous characters. The Naked Cowboy is one. I haven’t seen him in a while. But I have seen the naked “granny” cowgirl. Talk about a bad nightmare. Then we have the ghetto Elmo, Cookie Monster, Pooh Bear, ghetto fabulous Mickey Mouse, and my recent favorite the one arm Spongebob

Another week till Thanksgiving…yumm. Bring on the sweet potato and green bean casserole’s my way. Hey don’t forget the stuffing. Holidays are getting closer as we know it. Look out mall madness. I was talking to a friend of mine this past Sunday (GO COLTS), as we were shopping that evening for a dress for her daughter. I mentioned to her that I want to go to Mall of America , before the end of the year. Now that is a suicide mission especially before Christmas, as I can’t even and don’t want to IMAGINE the hoards of people there. It would be a great experience and its nice to say I experienced Mall Of America. My girlfriend is all gung ho about it. She has a few kids, mostly boys so doing a road trip with them alone would be an adventure. Going back to our shopping, we went to Keystone Crossing or Fashion Mall where they have a Sheraton connected to the Mall, along with a Cheesecake Factory. It’s been a long time since I been to Cheesecake Factory in general. So going back to my shopping, we walked around and looked for a dress and came out empty. SO then we rushed over to Circle Center and went to Nordstrom there as well as another store and again came up empty. Her daughter is probably going to get her dress online, as she already saw a dress on there that was gorgeous. It’s a hefty price tag but its worth every penny. I can’t wait to see pictures. We then headed to Chilis for munch as my friend calls it and then drove back home to Terre Haute. Notice I am not talking much about the Colts as these last few games haven’t sat well with me.
From this Saturday I am 15 weeks from the Mrs. International and 27 weeks from the NY Pro. I can’t WAIT to step on stage again. I miss it. Everyone is talking about the new women’s Physique Class coming next year. I won’t go into details on my thoughts. But I will say it can be a very positive thing as far as girls/women don’t have to worry so much about the “size and conditioning” factor. At some past shows we have had girls win shows who were soft and jiggly but presented themselves very nicely on stage. This new class will be perfect for competitors like that as well as girls that may get overlook such as the small girls like LW, Middles, and some LHWs, lastly we don’t have to worry about the super drawn in face which can demonstrate a very unhealthy look for female . As far as female bodybuilding being the end as some have predicted..I highly doubt that.
I can’t stop thinking about a chainmail my girlfriend sent me about Puerto Ricans. It was pretty much like Jeff Foxworthy’s “ you know you’re a red neck” jokes. So I get this chainmail with several things describing Puerto Ricans. One of those things was you know your Puerto Rican if you’re the only one clapping your hands when your plane lands lol. I have done this. Another one is using your lips/mouth to point to things. Ha ha, I have done this quite a few times and picked that up from my grandmother. I will see if I can have my girlfriend forward me that text again and I will post it on here. I got a kick out of it.
You Know You’re Puerto Rican If …
you get pissed if during Christmastime, you go for a visit , and the were no rice and pigeon peas, and you let them know you are upset..
You’ve ever used your lips to point something out.
You’ve ever been hit with “chancletas”, ...................a soft flip flop mom is wearing, and she beats you with it while pisses..and its so soft you end up laughing and she beats you harder..
or: with the cord of the iron ,she is using to iron with at the moment
You’ve gone to Titi’s house and passed through the “bead
curtain” in the living room.
You step into a house that has all those little figurines taking
up every inch of space on the TV and under the TV.
Your mother has a porcelain cat, dog, Buddha or elephant in her
living room.
You’ve eaten “esporsoda” with butter.
You have a perpetually drunk neighbor.
Someone in you family is name “Maria”.
You have actually met several people named “Jesus”.
You treat fevers with “alcoholado”.
Your uncle owns more gold than the jewelry shop down the street.
You know at least four of your last names.
You scrunch up your nose to ask a silent “que ?”.
You’ve ever left grass out for the camels on the night of Jan.
5th., instead of leaving milk and cookies for Santa Claus on
You remember Ricky Martin as the little one from Menudo.
You were raised on Goya products (Si es Goya, tiene que ser
Your sofa or rug is covered in plastic. You start clapping when your plane hits the runway.
You can dance to merengue, cumbia, or salsa without music.
Your mother yells at the top of her lungs to call you to dinner
when you live in a one bedroom apartment.
Telenovenas have the status of holy ceremonies.
You think platanos are a whole separate food group.
You have a picture of “Cristo” in your house.
You think your name begins like this: “Ave Maria Purisima,
You walk around saying “Chacho”, or “Chacha” or “Ay Bendito”.
Others tell you to stop screaming when you’re really talking.
You know someone who drives a “Cheby”.
A balanced meal consists of rice and beans and some kind of meat.
You have at least 30 cousins. At least!
Your grandmother thinks Vick’s Vapor Rub is the miracle cure for

My Bengal "Spongebob" aka "Gotti" now known as "
Inferno" went crazy on me. I was holding him in my arms and we walked by my vacuum(which was off ) NEVER EVER will I do that again. Can we say OCHIES! He started flipping out and scratched up my wrist and made a huge scratch on my palm. He was out for blood and got it. Not to mention he dug his nails DEEP in the side of my leg, which bruised it nicely. I can tell at this time I had no problem finding him a name. There were many names that came to mind . When I looked at my battle wounds I looked like I was in a bad cat fight. I pulled out my Spongebob band aids and patched myself right up. 5 band aids did the trick