Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Want to say HI
I don't go online very much as I did b/c I find around this time people tend to stir up drama and hype. I have no interest to be a part of that. So I decided to just do my thing and stay offline. Its better that way if you ask me. I sometimes wonder what would it have been like if the Internet had been available around the time of Arnold and all the great true bodybuilders.
Another thing that I want to say is this. It sickens me and aggravates me that society does not favor female bodybuilding too well. I say this because people see fbbs like me and its always dumb comments like women aren't meant to have muscle, she has veins popping out she is sick, etc. Get a life people. If I was 400 pounds nobody would care about it. But a girl having muscle is a big deal to most people. I don't care what you think about me or my sisters of iron. We love what we do or else we wouldn't be doing it. People have no idea how bodybuilding makes us feel. It is a mind,body, spirit thing. I have to say another thing I love this sport too much and it saddens me when girls are awarded a pro card, they do one show or they don't do any and you never hear from them again. We need girls that will do shows and keep going with it. They help keep the sport alive and fresh. We also need to show society that female bodybuilding is beautiful and we are the living art, well more like a beautiful anantomy chart. Our bodies speak for our selves and show our work. Anyone can lift a weight and call themselves a bodybuilder but it takes more to be a true bodybuilder. It is a skill and its all about the technique, and discipline. That's how you build a well development muscular body. Oh and you have to have a little bit of patience :)
On another note I joined another gym recently mainly because it is where I actually started my bodybuilding training. The cool thing about the gym is that it has old equipment. Equipment that you wont find now a days. Allot of Icarian, old lifefitness, cybex, Nautilus. Great smooth pieces. So Its in my benefit. Now I am a member of 4 gyms plus my personal training studio.
talk to later
Friday, June 8, 2007
Resting on the couch and this happened

Some people think veins are gross, well not me. I find them to be sexy :)
As you know i had problems in thegym with people bothering me. So I completely switched my routine where I train when NO ONE is around which is very early in the morning. I love it!!! its so nice to go in and not have to worry about interuptions. I also train at another gym away from the Golds Gym during the day. I walk in and people watch, and follow me. Its nice and all, but I DONT really have the time for it. I know it may seem harsh, but you have to understand my time is very limited. My diet is good for the most part. I get so excted when I have my carb meals, and dont let anyone come near me when i have my carb meal. I will bite your head off. i want to savor the taste and enjoy the carbs goin in my mouth. LOL I
lick the plates clean. hehe. Its nice that everything is going smoothly right now. I dont know where I will weigh in at. I am 158.5 lbs right now. and i think we still have 7 weeks or so to go. Not 100 % sure as I am not really counting. i am just staying very positive and following my plan. Here is some exciting news. I get to have a cheat day. YEAH!!!!!!!!
Be sure to stop by and see me at and As I am there everyday to keep fans up to date with my transition.